I only just now realized I never posted this! Sorry it's a few months late!
My friend TJ (code name, of course) got married this past summer. You may remember her from one of the times she helped me out as an awesome groom or when she used JR as her Equine Nutrition course project, etc.
Since moving to Kentucky, she still comes back for our annual weekend at Congress. This year she requested the use of my pony for a trash the dress photo session. Of course I agreed! It was a bit chilly that morning, but we still had some fall color and the sun was lovely. Junior was a very good model and he did everything TJ asked of him. It's a good thing he loves wearing his blankets because the dress was down to his hocks!
I've sent out the free decals to the two winners of the giveaway but I still have a few coupon codes to hand out so if you entered the contest, please contact me for your 50% OFF decal coupon! The coupon expires March 15th!!!!
I've hung a quick display at my barn, hoping to generate some in-house business. I've got several new "clients" and we're getting ready to create their custom decals. If you take a look on the bottom left of the sign, You can see I've started playing around with custom face markings on my horsehead image.
I actually sold my first decal on Etsy! A nice gal named Jamie specially requested a black hunt cap with white lettering (rather than clear) so I created a special item just for her. If you want something you don't see, just let me know.
I've added a few new western show shirts to my store today, including some quickly constructed samples at very low prices. I've also lowered shipping on my show clothing to $8.00 and dropped the pricing on a few of my used items.
You will probably recall the times I've entered this horse show before. No? Well check out THIS and then THIS and you'll be caught up. :) You can also find my entries on my YouTube channel.
Each time I do one of these shows I have the same epiphany about "living in the moment." In other words, I know that our performance at actual shows isn't flawless, trust me, I've watched the footage more than a sportsball game shows instant replays. I guess I find some comfort in knowing that there are other horses in the arena and the judge might happen to be looking elsewhere when we have our inevitable bobbles. Or at least, a judge has only the horses in the arena to look at and we might rank as the best of the worst so the bobbles are forgiven. Either way, I know what ribbon I got BEFORE I watch the video, and I've yet to be really surprised or overly disappointed by a placing. I mean, I'd always like to win, but I haven't felt any placings have been unfair. Even though I can't always watch the rest of the class, there's usually time to glance around and pick out the ones that are likely to beat me and the ones that hopefully will not.
But then there's these times when I "do" the class and get to watch the video and decide if THIS is what I wish to put forward as our "best work". I can watch video (below) and pick out LOTS of things we need to work on. So I go all introspective and try to remember that this is a learning experience (Judge Moshier sends written feedback/scores to all entries) and that a judge's feedback, if nothing else, will be a validation of what I'm seeing as things we need to work on.
I've had just 3 lessons in Equitation so far, and one was devoted mostly to recording my show submission. Specifically we're working on bringing my feet forward underneath me, keeping my shoulders up and back and keeping my hands in the proper place... you know EQUITATION, which I have apparently forgotten altogether. There isn't much improvement showing in the video, but hopefully by May there will be some. BTW, our barn's IEA team has been KICKING IT this year so I know I've got a good teacher!
He's behind the vertical for most of it. It's really hard for me to perceive that from the saddle, so hopefully the lessons will help me learn to "feel" it better with someone on the ground telling me when he needs to be urged forward and given more rein. He has a problem with walking in a straight line. I have a problem sitting transitions. I think part of this is because I've been so cautious about compressing my spine that I don't just SIT a transition, and part because sometimes he reads my mind. You'll see on the 2nd direction the canter to trot transition... I had merely thought about it and he came down... so I just rolled with it. He should really be better at reading my mind. This is why I don't think we're ready for breed shows!
With all it's flaws: here is my submission for Class #16: Open Hunter Under Saddle: