Sunday, June 19, 2011

Show #2 of 2011 - The Rest of the Story

It was a good show. It was a short show with some highs and lows. You've seen the photo with the three blue ribbons and I had to just show that without telling you the story, just for fun.

I showed in 7 classes and took home 4 blues, a red, and a yellow. Which seems really sweet, until I tell you that the first 3 blues (in the picture) were both 1st and last place. Yes, I was the ONLY adult English rider at the show. There was NOBODY there. The entire show of 43 classes was done by 4pm. At the show in June we left after class 35 and it was about 7pm. This meant two things: not a lot of competition and not a lot of time between some of my classes. Not that I mind taking home the blue ribbons, but it seems a bit lackluster when it was basically an exhibition.

I got a stall and a tack stall which was good since it rained most of the afternoon and my BM and her awesome doberman, Dakota were my indispensable show grooms.

Adult Hunter Showmanship:
Didn't screw up the pattern, Junior was pretty good, but wouldn't keep his pivot foot planted. Not pleased I was the only one in the class but whatever. Not a lot of adults do the showmanship. Maybe they're afraid of running in public? 1st out of 1.

Adult Hunter Under Saddle:
I couldn't believe there wasn't anyone in this class and surmised that if no adults were doing HUS then none would do Equitation, either. Crap. He made me work for it with both an extended trot and a "controlled hand gallop" which I haven't had to do in about 10 years and I only had a little tinkle of KAT's voice saying "for the hand gallop they want to see 2-point" so I guffawed, kissed him forward and went into 2-point. 1st out of 1 ...lame.

Adult Equitation:
The pattern was not too difficult and I only managed to go slightly off pattern. Thought it odd that Junior wasn't picking up his upward transitions as well as he usually does and realized that was a slight problem in HUS, too. Hmmmm. 1st out of 1...again... sigh.

Adult Western Showmanship:
Guess what? I jacked up the pattern. Surprise! I did everything right and Junior was good - still stepping out of turns though. The last piece of the pattern was a 270 but as I passed 90 I realized it couldn't be a 270 cause that would be facing the wrong way and ended up doing some sort of an awkward 405. 3rd out of 3. This actually really upset me because I finally had a little competition and I messed up the pattern so badly of course I was the bottom of the group. If I hadn't done that where would I have been? I'll never know. :(

Adult Horsemanship:
I had barely enough time to tack up for Horsemanship and was so late I only looked at the pattern as I was walking to the in-gate and as soon as I handed the pattern off and walked in my mind went completely blank. There were cones. I didn't have a clue what to do with any of them. I was the last in, therefore supposed to be the 1st to go. Judge asked if there were any questions. I asked to please not go first. Either look like an idiot that way or have to ride and make something up and look like a complete idiot. I literally learned the pattern by watching the other two riders. Felt like an ass. Somehow won the class. 1st out of 3.

Adult Western Pleasure:
I only entered this class (and the next one) because my BO wasn't getting back with the truck until 4:30 at the earliest so I knew I was either going to have to sit around or keep showing. There were 6 riders. I figured I didn't have a chance but somehow was graced with 2nd. Apparently the judge liked our forward lope/canter.

Open Walk/Jog Western Pleasure:
He would start out the jog nice and slow but kept getting faster and faster. I had a hard time convincing him to stay slow. I did have a few times where all I did was shift my weight back and I felt him slow but there were other times he actually needed to be bumped. He even broke to a walk at least once. No place. Not sure how many in the class. At least 9 but I lost count as he started to fuss about leaving the arena last. I went ahead and used it as a schooling moment and he got over it pretty quickly.

So the high spots were feeling the slowing at the weight shift, sitting on him for a few hours straight between my horsemanship class and my last pleasure class and having him be relaxed and content. It helped that lots of people from the old barn liked to come up and love on him. Oh, and winning Adult High Point was nice but felt like a giveaway. I took the cash anyway.

The low spots (aside from STILL not being able to get 4 patterns down) were not feeling like I competed in the English. And to be honest, in the English riding classes I could feel myself not trying very hard and I'm disappointed in myself for that. The other low spot was that I think Junior hurt something. He's not visibly lame but between him not wanting to let that foot stay planted during the pivot (seems like once the leg starts to twist he needs to pick it up, rather than let it turn) and some of the difficulties in canter take offs, which he's normally really good at, and adding how he was on his toe (not resting, more like hesitating) on that leg when we opened the trailer, I think something's up. I'm going to give him a few days off and see how he's doing. Silly pony.


  1. I'm not sure, Story, but EHV-1 hasn't hit Ohio that I know of. I think it may be part economy and I think there may have been another bigger show happening on the same day. The past three years this 2nd show has been smaller than the 1st but this one was the smallest by far.

    On the other hand, my barn mate took her reiner to a versatility show and there was a huge turnout with about 10 pros there since all the shows out west have been cancelled. There were 30 entries in her trail class.

  2. When I competed in those types of shows as a 4-H'er, I wrote all the patterns down at once and memorized them and kept them in my pocket so I could whip them out and look at them real quick before the class. Even in 4H, the patterns were HARD so I feel ya! I almost miss the hunter ring, lol. Congrats!

    And you live in Ohio?? I from there! Moving back next may!

  3. Checkmark:
    That makes it sound easy. But for some reason for me it's just not. Lately the shows have been selling packets of all the patterns for $1 so I have the exact pattern in my hand to work from, but when you get the patterns at 7:15am and are finished with your last pattern class by 1pm there's not enough time in there for me, especially when I show two seats and have to completely change myself and my horse between them. I had help this time, but there are so many little things that need to happen in the in between time like making sure the horse has water and staying hydrated myself... you know the drill. I did better than usual but the whole show just went so fast. In the past I've had time between Western SMS and MHS to get into the warm up ring go through the pattern, this time I barely got my chaps on and they were calling my class.

    And there are no pockets in my Western outfit. :)

  4. LMAO!! You said, "Maybe they're afraid of running in public?" Too funny!!

    Congratulations on all your placings! It's such a bummer when you're the only one in the class, though. I find it interesting that you were the only ones in english, but had competition in western. It's the complete opposite here where I show. English classes have to be split, and then there are only 5 or 6 people in the western classes. Hopefully next time there will be more people at the show...

    I hope all is well with Junior and that he's feeling better soon!

  5. I guess I forgot how rushed hunter/western classes can be! They are crazy...glad you at least had someone helping!

  6. Hey, where have you been? How is Junior doing?? Now I am worried...
