A little boring history of my life as a helmet wearer, feel free to skip to the end:
When I began riding at about age 13 somewhere around the early-mid 90's, there were two things I was required to have: A "hard hat with a harness" and boots. I was handed a State Line Tack catalog and then proceeded to beg my parents for the two items. We, of course, chose the cheapest of the options and bought rubber riding boots and the "Trotter" helmet. It was not an approved helmet and I don't really remember what other options there were, but I do remember that it said something about it being an "item of apparel only" but since it had a harness it was good enough. This was over 10 years before even 4H started requiring approved helmets. I would really love to see a catalog from that year and see what the other options were. I still have the poor old thing but the velvet is crushed and discolored and the stiff vinyl harness has seen better days.
It wasn't until I got out of grad school and started riding again that I was required to have an approved helmet so I bought an Aegis Ussepa. After years of un-vented velvet I appreciated the lighter weight, the vents, the adjustable fit, and not having to be nice to it to keep it pretty. I wore that helmet from about 2006 to 2010 when it sort of fell apart. The dial broke and the plastic shell started to split along the seam that appeared to be held together with the equivalent of electrical tape. I also took a light fall in it in 2006 and that was the very first time I felt my head hit the ground and was thankful for the "real" helmet. I wasn't aware that you should replace a helmet after a fall, but it was such a tiny fall and my elbow took the brunt of the fall anyway. The head was the last thing that hit the arena floor.
I replaced it with a Lami-Cell helmet I found NIB on Ebay. I liked the look and the price was right. I thought it would suffice for schooling and look good enough if I decided to show in it. I really like the helmet but it is SO HOT in the summer. Wonderful for winter, though. The reviews on the helmet complained of the black fading and I've just started to notice that.
So now I am an owner/wearer of an Ovation Deluxe Schooling Helmet. I've only ridden in it twice but so far I'm pleased. I think the profile is pretty slim but there was a big difference between the S/M that I fit into and the L/XL I tried on at first. It is very light and comfortable, and though I am definitely sweating in it, I'm about as comfortable as can be in this horrid humid weather. I particularly like that it has a removable and washable liner and once I figured out how to get my ponytail IN the ponytail hole it's really nice. No more ponytail shoved down onto sweaty neck. With the sale price it was under $50 and that is a great price point for me, especially knowing that helmets should be replaced about every 5 years or after a fall, whichever is sooner.

In some belated news, I am a horrible person. I moved Junior's last trim appointment a week later so it would be closer to my next show (a week from today). The day after the appointment was supposed to be he chipped the inside of his LH and it sliced into his RH heel. He'll live and it's not the first time he's done something similar. You might be able to see the scars above and below the cut, and might remember how he was interfering in the hind so badly when I bought him that I had to put ankle boots on him. It had only bled a little and once I shaved it and hosed it I could tell it wasn't all that deep and he showed zero signs of lameness. I did have to go all "frontier medicine" on it and pull the nippers and rasp out of the tool drawer and figure out what to do. I couldn't leave it there but I couldn't bend it back down or rip it off so I nipped it and then rasped it smooth. When Jim came to trim him a week later he approved my work. I forgot to take an "after" shot but it wasn't very interesting looking.

And I also found two attached ticks and what appeared to be evidence of at least 2 more the other day. I think that's the first ticks I've ever found on him. One at the tip of the tailbone and one right in the middle of his face. It looked like another had been on his face and one in his forelock. Gross. Now I'm super paranoid about it. Oh the guilt.

Look at his adorable wrinkled nose!
I suppose I should acknowledge that I am not a perfect helmet wearer. Though you will never arrive at my barn and find me riding without one, I admit I do not wear an approved helmet when I show in my flat classes. This is not news, you've seen the photos/videos. I am not completely above feeling the pressure to wear more "traditional" headwear in the showring, be it a hunt cap or a cowboy hat. I admit it. I also admit that this a weakness on my part and I wish I didn't think wearing a helmet in a western pleasure class would make me look like a scaredy cat. But I did wear my approved helmet when I rode in the Cowboy Challenge (amongst all the cowboys) and I wear it when I school and trail ride. Part of the reason I replaced my helmet was because it was so hot I was beginning to consider not wearing it and I don't want to go down that path. I know that wearing a helmet decreases my risk of head injury in the event of an accident. I know that I am more at risk when I don't wear one. I limit my exposure to the 2 or 3 shows I do each year. I am also an adult and make this choice knowing full well the risks. As in all things in life: there will always be someone with more and there will always be someone with less. In this case, there will always be someone more committed to wearing a safety helmet and there will always be someone less committed. Maybe someday they'll be able to make a western one that doesn't look absolutely ricockulous. The derby Troxel did wasn't nearly as bad but the western is fugly and from what I can tell has already been discontinued. Surprise. The link is the ONLY person I found who was brave enough to post pictures of themselves wearing it. ALL of the advertisements show it without a person so you can't tell.
Boo! I wish the photos had shown up!
ReplyDeleteI fall into the category of partial helmet user. I only use one on the trail, but I ALWAYS use one on the trail. I know, an arena fall could be just as bad as one on the trail, but I just HATE riding in one. I feel unbalanced, uncoordinated, and just strange. And in 4H we were required to use a helmet in all mounted classes.
I was considering purchasing a Troxel in that "western" design, because my current helmet, well, its so old I cant even remember what brand it is. But because I dont use it a whole lot, it is still quite functional. I cant bring myself to buy a helmet for over 100 just because I think it's prettier...especially when I dont use the darned thing every day!
We all have our excuses....Im certainly not perfect, but I guess thats my decision.
@Milo - The pictures didn't show up? The links or the photos I posted?
ReplyDeleteI've been told the western leather-looking Troxels are very heavy but I've never had one on. I was very surprised at the light feel to this Ovation one. They are SOOO much lighter and slimmer than they used to be. And they're only around $50. :)
It's much harder not to feel out of place in a helmet at a western even than at an English or mixed show.
If it was the photos I posted I think I fixed it. Something got messed up when I migrated over to Picasa... let me know if you still can't see them.
ReplyDeleteWe're in the same boat. I wear my helmet when I ride at home (most of the time) but never at horse shows. I've been thinking about wearing it at the shows too, unless I go to a Paint show. Seems ridiculous to wear it/not wear it according to what someone might think, doesn't it? But I would never wear one in a western class. I'm so lame...
ReplyDeleteYour new helmet looks nice, though! Very low profile, which is something I was looking for with my new helmet but don't think I achieved.
Love the picture of Junior's wrinkled up nose!! Gives him quite the expression!
OMG, I am still rolling on the floor from reading that Western helmet thread... I'm sorry, I do have a problem with Western riders not wearing brain buckets, but that thing IS absolutely INANE looking! As big a helmet Nazi as I am, I must admit that I would wear a regular felt cowboy hat to show Western flat classes (but NOT speed events - heck, even the bull riders are wearing them nowadays).
ReplyDeleteI think the whole helmet thing is terribly interesting. We've gone from hardly any choices as recently as the 90s to a whole slew of them, ranging in price all the way up to nearly a thousand dollars. What happened? Why did manufacturers suddenly realize there was money to be made in this arena, and start developing "new and improved" (and trendy) ones every year? All I can say is, thank goodness when I was a kid nobody had anything different than anyone else. My parents never in a million years would have gone for, "But I waaaant a new Titanium Megadazzle Sooperdooper Uberventilated GPA because that's what EVERYONE has now....I can't possibly show in this crummy Charles Owen!"
I got my current Aegis about five years ago and I love it. It's ventilated but black velvet, so I'd planned to wear it in any little shows I did. No showing has occurred, alas, but it's still great. That's not to say I wouldn't have loved to whip out a credit card and snap up a CO GR8 at 20% off... tried one of those on at the WEG and instantly felt like a 10X better rider! :D
BTW, I'm wearing my old black velvet helmet w/ a leather harness in my avatar photo, ca. 2000. I bought that back in '88, when it was considered top of the line (and I thought quite expensive at 80 bucks!), and had a rude shock when I got back to riding in 1999 and found out it "wasn't approved." I still clung to it for a few years but then got the Aegis. Much cooler, I'll admit!