Junior's face still looks excellent and I rode him yesterday to remind him what contact feels like. Monet said he she could feel his back working more than last time but that he's still weak in the hip. She was highly complimentary about him again and said she'd like to turn him into an Eventing pony.... I laughed, but she was serious... we'll see about that! I kind of feel like I'm simply
Here's just some pictures from the day:
Sarah on Junior with Monet using the lunge line as a torture device teaching tool. :)

Monet on Junior. Hopefully his cute frame will distract you from her Uggs.
This is Monet's dog, Jack watching her ride Gunner.
Poor Red was given the role of Dress-Up-Pony for the kid's Halloween party.
He's such a tolerant little fella!
Chloe on Max, participating in one of Monet's humiliation tactics bizarre but effective teaching techniques. We all sat and watched each other's lessons and enjoyed laughing at everyone's funny exercises and cheering when they got good results.

I love the attention to detail in dressage. I am never bored. Looks like you all have as much fun in your clinics as we do in ours.