Thursday, January 7, 2010

Smooth Move.

With classes and my theatre work up and running, I'm riding 3-5 times a week. We've been doing fine. When he's on he's ON and that is increasing all the time. Last night he did a text-book perfect (at least from what I know) lope to jog transition. Usually I have to ask him down, he TROTS and I need to urge his spine up and bump his face until he slows down. I didn't have to haul on his mouth or give him a spur reminder or even ask him to slow from a trot to a jog. I just asked him down and there he was, jogging along in the same manner and frame as we were loping. It happened so fast it took me a second to accept it. It'll probably never happen again, but it was a great feeling! I gave him a ton of "good boys" and was glad he did it fast enough that I didn't adjust him so he was able to see that if he does it that way he gets left alone.

We're still having right lead weirdness. I don't notice it at all when he's lunging so I'm fairly positive it's me. I've been trying to ride that lead with no stirrups to keep my balance true, but it's still weird. One of my barn mates is speaking with an Equine Chiro about her horses and I asked her to find out the initial cost and that I was interested in sharing a barn call with her. I just hope it won't cost me so much I can't eat for a month! I fear it's a combination of saddle fit and my balance. There's always something? Right?


  1. Have you thought about trying a chiropractor yourself? Sometimes, when things feel weird to me, I get checked out and find that my hips are out of alignment. Which makes cantering, turning, etc feel weird in one direction. Worth a shot, especially if you're not seeing it on the line.

  2. Michelle,

    I am a huge believer in chiropractic for myself which is why I would be willing to spend the money if it will help him. I have also heard that most equine chiros will check your saddle fit, too, which I think we need. I also have a colleague who specializes in movement including the Alexander and Fitzmorris techniques and has worked with equestrians before. I also have another colleague who teaches Centered Riding and I really should tap those resources, too.

  3. I just love the moments when my horse and I get it right. They are fleeting and don't last long, but I recognize them when they come. I was never very big on chiropractors (probably because I had a bad experience earlier in life), but since I've had my horse I have changed my opinion. A good one can help a horse. I've seen amazing changes in our horses after our chiropractor has worked on them. I'm still leary for myself, but if I could find the right one I would give it a try. I have no doubt that I am out of alignment.

  4. Chiro can make a big difference. Have you had someone else watch you ride to see if you're leaning or weighting one seatbone more than the other? A good chiropractor will check saddle fit. Good luck!
