Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wet and Rainy Sunday

Since I'd ridden him 5 days straight I decided to brave riding him without lunging first. I know KAT didn't lunge him, but um, she's the KAT. Since he's not being turned out I have been lunging him for about 10-15 minutes, depending on what he seems to need. I did turn him out yesterday for a bit and he wasn't at all rambunctious, he just tried to find some non-existent grass and walked around. So I figured I'd be safe and I was right. Just as we walked out of the barn two, horses were being turned out and were horsin' around and he was PISSED that I was leading him into the arena instead of towards the paddock. I wondered if I should lunge him anyway but it would mean taking him all the way back to his stall, taking his headstall off, putting his halter back on and getting the lunge line. I though I'd just give him a few minutes in the arena to settle down and he did so quite quickly. I mounted with loose reins and he didn't budge so consistency is paying off there. The ride was good. There were several other boarders there and they all commented on how well he's doing. We had a few little fits. Sometimes he just won't stop and hold still and insists on sticking his face above the bit and turning circles. Fun. Sometimes he stops softly and on a dime. I don't get it. We also tried to work on some rail turns on the haunches (I am DREADFUL at those even on finished show horses) and some were pretty good and some were REALLY bad. KAT said she did lots of those with him so I know it's my bad, not his.

First day of classes tomorrow and though I don't teach on Mondays I have office hours, three meetings, and I have to go to rehearsal in the evening. That means he gets the day off. I should be able to ride Tuesday and Wednesday and then I have a private lesson on Thursday.

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